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Curly hair types
Curly hair inspiration: celebrities with your curl type
In the market for some curly hair inspiration? The beauty of curls is that each one is unique. Even...
Curly hair styling tips based on your curl type
Looking for curly hair styling tips? You’ll need to know your curl type first.
Saying that all ...
Curly hair or wavy hair: all differences explained
Although they’re often put in the same category, curly hair and wavy hair are two very different...
Hair texture: How to treat your curls right
When choosing haircare products for our curls, we take into consideration factors such as curl...
Type 4 hair: unlock your curls
What makes the category of curls so interesting is that there’s not just one type. In fact, there...
Type 3 hair: all you need to know
The beauty of curls is that no two are the same, and how your curls look and behave will vary...
2A, 2B, 2C hair: know your curl and treat it right
Growing up, my hair didn't look stereotypically curly! For the longest time, I thought that I had...
Wavy vs curly vs coily: which is your curl type?
Calling all you curly-haired beauties! Have you ever clutched your curly hair in extreme ...
Choose the best hair routine for your type of curl
If a genie had to grant all of us curly-haired girls a single wish, I am sure I know what it is...
How to achieve perfect curls with simple treatments
Have you ever wondered why curly hair looks so different from woman to woman? The answer is due to ...
shh... this one's for you
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